Tuesday 31 January 2017

Remember, Remember a Kiss in November

It was dark in the lane and just ahead of them they could see there was a dog walker smoking a cigarette as some kind of Terrier snuffled in the grass.
The man took one last drag on it and the flicked it into the darkness and it span through the air like a Catherine wheel.
Which I thought was quite appropriate as we had just been to a fireworks display on the village green.
The smell of the gun powder was still thick in the damp night air.

But despite the cold and damp neither Nick nor Emily were in any hurry to get home.
It was their very first date, in fact not only was it their first date together it was the first date for either of them.
Nick was fifteen and Emily was a year younger and quite naturally they wanted their date to last forever and they both walked as slowly as it was possible to go without actually standing still.
However they eventually arrived in the street outside her house.
An awkward silence ensued as Nick shuffled his feet and tried to think what to do next and Emily waited patiently for Nick’s next move.
When she realized he didn’t have one she took decisive action and reach up and kissed him and then the fireworks truly began.
Their first magical kiss, a kiss that neither of them wanted to end.
Sent their heart soaring into the heavens.

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